Viewing 17 - 30 out of 30 posts


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Work Injuries, What You Need to Know

Overcoming Work Injuries with Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care is natural and drug-free and also very effective in treating the musculoskeletal injuries that often happen at work. Lower back pain is one Read More

I've Been in an Auto Accident, Now What?

Auto Accident Injuries Require Immediate Attention Many people walk away from accidents feeling fine and do not realize that they have been injured until days later. Conditions such as whiplash and Read More

Vitamin D – What Everyone Needs to Know

The issue of Vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in immune-system-related illnesses ranging from seasonal cold and flu, to heart disease, to cancer, to atopic and autoimmune disorders has Read More

Lasting Change for 2018

As the year 2017 rapidly comes to an end our thoughts will turn to 2018, often accompanied with New Year’s resolutions. The calendar change is usually the time people say Read More

Best Sleeping Positions

“Hey Doc, what position should I sleep in?”This is a question we hear all the time from patients. When I answer it, I have to consider the individual patient, but Read More

Fat Is Good For You

I recently read the following:“Pharmacotherapy can assuage the symptoms but can’t alter the pathophysiology. Doctors need to embrace prevention as well as treatment. The greatest improvements in morbidity and mortality Read More

Is Your Body Ready for Your New Workout Program?

Is your body ready for your new exercise program, or for that matter, is it even equipped to handle your well established exercise program?The number two reason we see people Read More

Fight or Flight Stress Response

Hans Selye, a pioneering researcher on cell function and developer of the modern stress theory (General Adaptation Syndrome, 1936), identified three stages of adaptation which a person goes through in Read More

Chiropractic Health

As a chiropractor, we recognize the link between function and health, or lack of function and disease. This requires the detection, and subsequent correction, of the vertebral subluxation. A subluxation Read More

Abdominal Exercise For Spine & Waistline

Crunches don’t work. They are out. Old news. Finished. Crunches make your gut bigger, not smaller, and they rip apart the connective tissue in your abs, leading to diastasis. If Read More

Chiropractic Insurance

Will My Insurance Pay For That?If you have ever had the experience of shopping for a new car, you quickly come to the realization that it can be quite exciting. Read More

Maximize Your Core Training

The core is always being redefined in the fitness industry and probably for good reason. There are a number of components involved: diaphragm, pelvic floor, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis (TVA), Read More

Healthy Eating

What’s For Dinner?Here in the United States, obesity has become an epidemic and the incidence of obesity is continuing to climb at an astounding rate. This climb continues in both Read More

Why are We Sick and How Do We Get and Stay Healthy?

It is said that there are no stupid questions and I believe that to be true, though certainly some questions are better than others. Unfortunately, the answers to many questions Read More

Viewing 17 - 30 out of 30 posts


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City Chiropractic Location


806 SW Broadway #350,
Portland, OR 97205

Office Hours


9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm





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